Curriculum Mapping and Instructional Materials

Curriculum Mapping Project

Wylie Preparatory Academy is embarking on the next phase of our development as a school. We are already successfully fulfilling our of vision of developing Christian Character through excellence in education. However, we are committed to being in a state of continuous improvement, and we believe that we have current opportunities to strive for even greater excellence than we currently reach. To that end we have undertaken a 3-5 year project to develop a comprehensive Curriculum Map for the school. This project is providing us opportunities not only to carefully consider how we go about providing our students with equitable opportunities to gain all of the knowledge and skills we offer through our programs. It is also giving us ways to develop increasing professionalism in our teaching staff, to clearly document our evaluation procedures, and create focus so that our academic, social, athletic, and family support programs all align with our four primary cornerstones: truth, virtue, family, and purpose.

The Definition of Curriculum

Curriculum includes the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn; how learning is facilitated; and how learning is evaluated.

Vision Statement

The curriculum map is an organic documentation tool that allows us to plan and manage the continuum of our curriculum.

Classroom and Instructional Materials

Wylie Preparatory Academy strives to select the best classroom and instructional materials available from Christian and educational publishers in order to achieve its vision of developing Christian character through excellence in education.

Parents have the option of purchasing textbooks through our online provider or on their own. To obtain the required textbook information for each course, visit the link below. Parents are responsible for the entire cost of the textbooks.

Please note that as of January 2020 our bookstore is now called BNC K-12.